Tiptoeing into 2021 with Lateblooming Gratitude
We should probably tiptoe in, right? No loud talking, no sudden noises. This is a delicate operation. Three days in, and I already fell into the trap of looking for “the other side.”
I am hopeful—for humanity to re-enter the White House, for the vaccine to eventually change the way we can be with each other, for the racial uprisings to have started something…
But for the moment, the only side I can see right now is the one we’re still in. So I’m going to do my best to enjoy the view. To be grateful for health, safety, the privilege that makes those two things possible, and most of all, for love. (see above—me and my daughter: pandemic visiting in Vermont)
And for discoveries. Today, I discovered the Secret Sisters, and their song, Late Bloomer:
I'm a late bloomer
This is surely true
It doesn't matter when you bloom
It matters that you do
Here’s to Lateblooming. This new year might be a late bloomer, but then, so am I:)